Sunday, July 20, 2008

NFL Hiring Experts To Spot Gang Signals"

Concerned that some of its players are flashing signals related to street gangs, the National Football League has hired experts to examine game tapes and identify the hand gestures, a newspaper reported Wednesday. "There have been some suspected things we"ve seen," NFL vice president of security Milt Ahlerich told the Los Angeles Times. "When we see it, we quietly jump on it immediately, directly with the team and the player or employee involved to cease and desist. Period."

Ahlerich says the NFL has long warned its players about the influence of gangs. Concern intensified after Denver Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams was gunned down following an altercation involving known gang members in 2007.

The concern was raised with first-year players at the recent rookie symposium, and a video on the dangers of gangs was shown to every player in the league last year.

"Guys come from all over the country, and who knows what they"re really doing?" Jacksonville Jaguars receiver Dennis Northcutt told the paper

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