Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chris Brown's Manager Found To Be The 'Other' Woman

NEWS: Chris Brown's Manager Found To Be The 'Other' Woman
A new and completely unseen development has come out in the Chris Brown and Rihanna case. While it has long ago been reported that the initial cause of the fight between Chris and Rihanna was due to text messages Chris received from another woman. There was wide speculation as to who this mystery woman was. In the beginning the prime suspect was Keisha Chante, a longtime friend of Chris’ whom was rumored to actually be in the vehicle while the fight took place. This was of course dismissed as false however the theory that it was her doing the texting prevailed.

Until now. It has come out through police documents that the woman the fight was over is in fact a longtime associate and companion of young Chris. She has been around since the beginning of his successful career and oddly enough this is not the first time the two have been rumored to be together. Chris himself has called her “A blessing to my life, she has helped guide me many times and I absolutely trust her and her judgment.” Who could this be, after all it’s kind of starting to sound like his mom? Well it’s not that twisted, but it does get a little deep. Though we all should of seen it coming, no one noticed it.

Tina Davis is a 40 year old highly successful and respected music executive. She has held senior positions at top music companies including Def Jam Records where she was instrumental in developing and bringing in new talent such as R&B superstar Ne-Yo. However after a merger left Tina out of the Def Jam system she opted to go out on her own and introduce a brand new talent to the world. At the time though she didn’t have any prospects lined up and things were looking kind of down for the former top brass.

Until then. Chris Brown was still a 15 year old unsigned aspiring singer when his music caught the ear of Davis. Tina joined the Chris Brown party after meeting with the 15 year old and his mother, almost instantly getting him a record deal with Jive Records. The rest as they say is history as far as the hits and the accolades go. However when the young boy turned into a man at the age of 18, rumors began to spring up. That maybe there was more to the Chris and Tina working relationship than met the eye. Soon the rumors were everywhere that the two were having a sexual relationship and have been since Chris was just 16 years old. The allegations got so rampant that soon both Davis and Brown had to make public statements through their respective camps denying the underage affair.

"Chris Brown and his manager Tina Davis have a strictly professional relationship," the statement reads. "Ms. Davis has been instrumental in helping Chris achieve success as a multi-talented singer/dancer/actor. Rumors that the relationship goes beyond a working one are not only patently false, they diminish her efforts and his undeniable talents."

And that’s how it stayed. Soon as with all other rumors that aren’t immediately, or sometimes never, found to be true the talk died down. Chris and Davis both went on achieving success working together and the new talk of who Chris was with solely focused on Rihanna, and of course his alleged constant cheating.

However the investigation of the cell phone records has now put the story back on the map. Police documents have been revealed that it was in fact Tina Davis who was texting Brown the night of the fight. This is what caused Rihanna to flip out on him and ultimately lead to her brutal beating.

It is said that Davis and Brown rekindled their romance after Chris decided that it was over between him and Rihanna. It has also come out that Rihanna knew exactly who the text was from and this is what led to her jealousy and rage more, the fact that she thought Chris had been seeing Davis during their whole time together.

As of press time neither Chris Brown nor Tina Davis has come out and issued a statement. It is being speculated though that we could hear something by the end of the news day. The implications of this seem of course enormous and will undoubtedly have further repercussion between the parties further down the line.

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